
Monday, January 27, 2014

Beauty Routine

The people that know me know that I do not like taking the time to do my makeup unless it is a very special occasion. My two sisters are so fantastic at doing their makeup and always look perfect and then there is me, I can barely put eyeliner on. 

That being said I do have a very "strictish" beauty routine. I mean doesn't every girl? I gotta keep this fair freckly skin looking good!

Ever since I was a little girl I have been using the brand Artistry. It is what my parents sell so I was never allowed to use drug store beauty products. I use it for not only my makeup, but also my skin care. It might have bummed me out when I was little, but now I'm so thankful. I know what I'm putting on my skin is good for me.

To anyone who doesn't practice a good beauty routine should start! It only takes a little time out of your day and it you'll look better in the long run! 

Thanks for reading all! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ch Ch Changes!

Happy 2014 everyone! Even though the start of the year is supposed to bring on changes, lets be honest, I'm still going to be terrible at keeping my blog. I feel as if new years resolutions are for squares. No one ever keeps them, and if you do, I'm pretty sure you're lying. 

Anyways, something I do believe in is setting goals for yourself. As lame as it sounds I feel like setting goals is a better way to change yourself. 

So to go along with these FANTASTIC pictures that muh best friend took for me a while back, here are a few goals I hope to achieve during this year!

1. Live a healthier lifestyle. Blah blah blah. Hopefully I'll do more yoga and exercise more. With my goal of doing a marathon in a year and a half, I need to get it together. 

2. Spend way more time in nature. I find that sometimes like living near the city I'm so confined to tall buildings and smoggy air. Being able to hike, spend times exploring the woods, or even just sitting outside reading a book gives me a renewed sense of energy. I am able to clear my head and get rid of all the worry I have. 

3. Take more weekend trips/travel. After spending my semester in Ireland (are you sick of me talking about it yet?) I became used to taking the weekends off and exploring a new part of the country. I would spend my time surfing, hiking, or just being a regular old tourist. I realized that I didn't do that enough in my own country. I couldn't tell you one cool thing about New York besides the city. Hopefully this year I'll pull myself away from the typical collegiate weekend world and see more of my country.
(If you have any ideas of where I should go let me know!) 

Even though 2013 has been one of the best years of my life: I joined the wonderful organization of Phi Sigma Sigma and gained a bunch of new sisters, had a fantastic summer spent mostly by my pond, and, went to Ireland and met some of the most amazing people; I know that this year is going to be even better!

Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Close of a Chapter


 My time in Ireland has come and gone, in what seems like a blink of an eye. I cannot believe my four months abroad is already over. The time I had there is one that I will never forget. My friends I made I will cherish forever. Though we are not all living together in the same country I know I will remain friends with them forever. I know I will be back soon (hopefully March for my spring break.)

 Looking back my time spent in Limerick seems like one big blur. When I try to think of everything that I did over there it seems insane. From surfing to hiking up some pretty huge gorgeous mountains, I have experienced some unbelievable things.

Since I was so terrible at keeping up with my blog while I was over there (sorry I was too busy experiencing the wonders of a travelling lifestyle) I will try to give a quick synopsis of everything I did on the Emerald Isle.

           To start off: I joined the windsurfing club which I blogged about a few months ago. Little did I know that little trip would lead me to some of my closest friends in Ireland. I decided to join the windsurfing committee after that trip and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Those Monday night meetings, though annoying at times, were mostly great craic (fun.)

            Next came the hiking. Since I was not able to go on many windsurfing trip due to my lack of talent, I decided to join the school’s hiking club aka Outdoor Pursuits. Though it was an incredibly challenging club it was so rewarding. Every trip we went on was very tough. At points in the hikes I was convinced I was not going to make it to the top of the summits we were doing that day. By the time we would reach the top I would take a look over the land beneath me and just be in awe. The sights of Ireland are unlike anything I had every seen. Each mountain I would climb, the view would have been better than before.
The coast was no different. The time I spent in Lahinch surfing was unbelievable. Even though it was extremely cold it was one of the best weekends of my life. Hanging out on the beach all day and occasionally catching a wave is something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. (The perk of Ireland surfing: I don’t have to worry about sunburns!)

            Living in Ireland I have come to realize how relaxed the people are. If something goes wrong they let it roll of their back. I come from a mentality that I have to be doing something productive every waking minute of the day. I stressed about absolutely everything. Going to Ireland I learned to go with the flow way more often and that is definitely something I am taking with me back here.

            I cannot believe how quickly 4 months went. It really seems like I was just packing to start my adventure and now I am trying to unpack my entire life. The memories I made in Ireland are unforgettable. I cannot wait to get back!